Saturday, May 5, 2012

Hygeine (fixed)

Pardon me, sir. You seem to have a fragment of... turd? ...On your mustache...

(Edit): This is why I consider myself borderline sociopathic, because writing this, actually, thinking it up, over the course of many months, crafting every pause and nuance, gave me hours of real fun and still, to this very minute cracks me up to a disturbing degree


  1. Yours is one of the better one liners I have come across, you have every right to snicker. The picture you paint is somewhat vaguely yet humorously disturbing.. well done.

  2. Yes, well, thank you. I can't see, though, how the rest of the conversation would play out, I mean, what sort of reply could you expect? Besides a short, sharp karate chop to the larynx..
