Friday, October 14, 2011

Wild Hair

Los Angeles. I'm layovering until 4:15. Bored. Hey wait a minute, I can go anywhere I effing want to!!!
The greyhound website is crashed in English so I check the schedules in espagnol.
I can go to San Fran at 11:35, be there at 8:20, hop on the 8:45 to Medford, and make the same exact arrival at 8 am.

I van to go san freesco, boys, which is another story for another time.
I went in and got me a ham an cheese on wheat and a banana and a huge cookie and a pint of milk.
More Important, I went back to the ticket line:
Priority Boarding  $5
Walkng past the sweating worry of lining up by the dooor and resenting every nuance of lineup order

Priceless  or, at least, worth the fin...
Postscript added  Monday Oct 17
The bus driver never called the priority boarding, thus I only got on halfway through the regular boarding by forcing my way through a different door...The enormous cookie was made of cardboard and I threw most of it away, and the pint of milk turned out to be rice milk with gobs of congealed cinnamon and sugar  and guar gum floating on the top I threw that away too. But I had a good ride, and I guilt tripped the driver into letting me  sit in his pissmarked very front seat for the ride over the Bay Bridge, I shot video ... asshole...

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