Thursday, March 1, 2012

No Rest For The Righteous

I post shit on here because I hate Facebook. I am not a violent person by nature but I would punch that guy Zuckerberg in the neck if I ever had the chance  just for being an intrusive megalomaniac. My ex-husband Ish says the same only she had the stones to actually de-list herself. I'm too much of a sheep.
But, like I said, I have this so I can get shit off my chest when I need to. And it's a longer form which means I can say more complicated things. Or simple things in a more complicated way. Whichever.
Back in 2000 when I was at DePaul in rehab the DePaul nurse sent me downtown to see this Dr that she knew about. He turned out to be a cute little guy in a t-shirt and bluejeans. We hit it off and he was my doctor and my friend ever since until last year when some genius at Multnomah County decided it would be a good idea to close the West Side Clinic and Dr Thayer left for greener pastures at Hooper Detox. Some pasture that.
That's me on the left when I was young and good-looking and had a wife named Sue. I was a badass. I ran with a bad crowd. We had a wonderful time, 1981or maybe 82. In a lot of ways I was at the top of my game. Sue kept right up but it was a strain. Now she acts all ashamed of those days. Not me. We finally broke up in 87. She no longer speaks to me, unlike my ex-husband Ish.
Anyway back then in 2000 I had made the commitment to myself to change genders and I had read the horror stories about finding a physician that was down for the hormones. It came as a bit of a surprise when Jim, as I knew him later,  said "Sure, whattaya want?" as he reached for his PDA and his little Rx pad. We got along great, he was there for me the whole time, supportive and curious and beyond accepting. He was participatory.
 When my computer crashed in 2008 I lost all my shit. Getting all meta about it, this is a picture of the picture they took at the tattoo removal clinic when I got Volunteer of the Quarter for spring 2005. I still cannot see the guy in the other picture in this chubby-cheeked little hippie girl. Not one bit. And I know them both
 Anyway it was a total  bummer after ten years when he left the clinic.
I just got back from my intake appointment at Old Town Clinic where they transferred my case. Finding a copacetic Dr is a nightmare, but the Old Town  joint was crawling with addicts in and out of recovery and bright young leftwing social service people so I felt right at home.
I didn't meet the Dr yet but I'm set up to see her next Thursday, and I have a good feeling about it.

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