Friday, August 17, 2012

To The Slough

I didn't think it got that hot today but I was on the water or in it so I couldn't tell you.
According to Google Earth it is about 3 miles from the marina to Kelly Point Park.
Which turned out take a couple of hours. The current wasn't very strong either way, which really helped.
All the crap that has accumulated in three short weeks in the bow. I keep the buggy in there for two reasons, in case I need to portage, and I'm too lazy to haul it up the hill to the bus.
I do love to row slowly along the edge of the river an search for stuff washed up on the beach.
Also it turns out that you can actually swarm back aboard the Dory over the rail but you have to be decisive and not get hung up at the roll where you go from being supported by the water to being in or on the boat. The rail dips pretty far and you can ship a bit of water but not too bad.
Columbia Slough had a surprising amount of current, considering how brown the water is. Surprising because it doesn't have another outlet, but it does have tides, like all the sloughs of the coast. I wonder if there is a natural feeder creek somewhere up there by the Sandy River. Google says Columbia Slough is 19 miles long.

I was scared to try, but it finally got hot enough that I did it and its gonna be OK.
Back in the slough a little ways I nosed her up on the bank in the fine cottonwood shade and had some lunch and read my book.
Isn't this the most peaceful quiet shady place you ever saw?

I was back on the bus by 3:30, and  home, with sushi, by 5.

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