Saturday, August 4, 2012

One Side or the Other

There is a nice sand beach on the east side of the Willamette near where Multnomah channel branches off. Giant power lines cross the river right there, and somehow the beach has been allowed to accumulate sand and driftwood and if you dont look straight up you will never know.
I sat in the hot sand sewing a new leather protector on an oar, which took the better part of an hour. I kept thinking to myself I should turn around and get some sun on the back of my legs but I never did.
Eventually it got too hot to sit there any more as the sun hit the meridian and the shadows left the sand marching up the hill behind what few trees there are on the beach. Cottonwoods grow anywhere there is sun and lots of water but not here, not yet.
So I loaded up and rowed across to the west side, one oar with a leather and one naked. There were a couple of teenage boys haunting the other bank staring out at the chick in the bikini rowing across, so I veered off and landed on the Sauvie side just above the channel, in the shade of a young willow cluster near the water.
It took a little less time to do the other oar, and have a snack, and drink a lovely cold can of orange mango juice and a sparkling water and then it was time to go home and park the boat and catch the bus.
When I got in the bathtub later I noticed that my new sunburn is a rather one-sided affair, kind of a mullet of a sunburn if you will, pink in the front and dead fish white in the back.

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