Sunday, March 11, 2012

Monsieur Le Presidente

This here is so much of a much newer of a thing that that old new thing ain't hardly a new thing at all anymore but this here new thing is not only new but also the shizznit of a thing for sure. The business end of an amazing smartphone camera that will practically give you blowjobs it has so many megapixels and features and as you can see has also an enormous aperture. High def video shoots in 1080 p. Shoots panoramas, you just hit the switch and sweep the camera across the intended view and it shoots a continuous stream of images. And instant shutter, no delay, touch the button and that is the shot no waiting thank you I jate to wait. Jaters gonna jate, ese. (This is an example of the difference between rationalization and reasoning, that I typoed a j for an h and went on to cover up the mistake by pretending to make a joke about espanish and ghetto talk. I rationalized my mistake).

Tried the lesser model for 4 days and I couldn't make myself pretend I was anything but ripped off but that Garmin was dead the gps receiver broke when I dropped it so I got the mid-range which wasn't shit they were nice took it back and for an extra couple hundie put this in my life.
There exists an old artistic tradition called the grotesquerie. Now I am an outsider, relatively untrained, but I think of myself as an artist, not a particularly productive artist, but an artist with a personal vision nonetheless. My old pal Jack Devore , and I take it as evidence, referred to me as such even in conversations with his big-time-art-world friends. I say this because it is my best accomplishment in life, to BE creative. Besides my beautiful kid but that is more luck and fortune. This here art work is hard work, no mistake.

Introducing Monsieur Le President  
Materials for the little object int the presentation above were precious and semiprecious stones and fake gold adorning and exceedlingly ugly T'agua nut

I conducted an experiment today.I wanted to see how many pixels this unit would produce in a macro.
This photograph went from my phone to my computer via email, and then copied onto my hard drive and left on the desktop I opened it up in MS Picture Viewer and blew it up a bit.
You will remember the 4th of July "with teeth" photograph from an earlier post, and how I blew it up to put teeth in my otherwise derpy meth-freak smile in the picture Lynne took as I sailed past wearing my little red Bikini.
Well, when I blew this image of Monsieur Le Peresidente  up bigger and bigger I never did get it big enough to see pixels. No kidding, the bigger it got the more detail it showed, knife scratches, file marks, lint, an eyelash on the lens, until it scared me and I quit in disgust.

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