Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Under The Wire

As you no doubt recall there was a bit of a hoohah last week about missing blood tests and Rx pre-auths gone astray. Said bloodwork finally came back, and now we know some new jargon which I am sure you will find as opaque as I did.
First is the RVR, which is acronymic for Rapid Viral Response, which is sadly not related to a front-page reddit post in 20 minutes.

Sometimes the triple-shit Tx kills the virus immediately, and then they pound said dead horse for 28 more weeks to get the last coral atoll holdouts like the one played by Toshiro Mifune who eventually makes friends with Lee Marvin. BTW Google spell check wanted me to change it to Hirohito and I say that's incredibly racist nonsense but I digress.

I did not have RVR

The actual viral count is expressed in powers of 10, that is, a number with a bunch of decimal places x 10 to the something-or-other. A logarithm. Log. If you remember slide-rules this is how they used to work. Actually they still do. I have one. But like everybody else I don't use mine.
The wider gate, if RVR can be said to be the narrow but more desirable hoop through which one must pass to continue TX, the wider gate is called the 2 log drop.

Actually I use that term every once in a while in the morning ...but ...I digress.

Anyway if the viral load count falls by 10 to the 2nd power it is said to represent a 2 log drop, and this I am told I did achieve and so the wonderful folks at Care Oregon coughed up for another $20,000 worth of pharmaceuticals much to my relief.
I was dead worried that the shit had failed and I was going to have to face liver disease at some point, which I still might but I  MIGHT NOT.

Under the wire indeed.

1 comment:

  1. Under the wire is still under the wire! Glad that is the case.
