Friday, May 4, 2012

Rhymes with Siren

I got out of my comfort zone last night and guess what, I had a wonderful time.
The Sharon Meieran campaign held what they call a phone bank out in Multnomah Village at campaign headquarters, a little barely furnished office suite in the basement of a dental building. It’s a nice part of town, on the road to Lake Oswego, if you know what I mean.
There weren’t that many people there, six of us, and I had the unenviable task of writing personal notes from Sharon on the campaign brochures that will be left with those who aren't home or won't come to the door during the handshake knockalongs this coming Saturday.Tomorrow.
A big key with these grass-roots type campaigns seems to be personal contact, so the staff tries to get ahold of everybody they can in the run-up to May 15.
The others got on the phone with their little laptops open in front of them on the tables and tried to get a simple and respectful script delivered to the surprising number of folks who actually picked up in response to the dinner-time jingle from”unknown number” on their caller ID screens. And a number of folks weren’t even annoyed about it. I was kind of tickled about the response we got, so very wholesome and neighborly.
I wrote little notes until my wrist was on fire, and my atrocious handwriting was judged to be perfect for the task, after all, Sharon is an MD.
Then they fed us, delightful honey baked chicken and a nice mixed salad and some enormous very red very ripe strawberries. I even scored a ride home from the coordinator.
Nice folks.

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